Photo: ISI Denpasar students painting murals alongside speakers of the Mural Art Workshop “Charma Wara” on the east wall of Citta Kelangen Building, ISI Denpasar, Monday, March 25, 2024.
As part of the Bali Citta Samasta (Alumni Art Festival), the Indonesian Institute of the Arts (ISI) Denpasar held Charma Wara (Mural Art Workshop) on the east wall of the Citta Kelangen Building, ISI Denpasar, from March 20 to 27, 2024.
ISI Denpasar brought in nine alumni as speakers for this Mural Art Workshop. They are I Putu Gede Wahyu Paramartha, S.Sn., M.Sn., Perwira Kesuma, S.Sn., I Komang Merta Sedana, S.Sn., I Wayan Mardiana, Lorenz Angelia Rieza Pangestuty, S.Ds., I Made Arde Wiyasa, S.Sn., I Wayan Dwima Adinata, S.Ds., Fiqih Widhiyanto, A.A. Gede Wira Merta, S.Sn.
The Coordinator of the Visual Communication Design Study Program and PIC of Charma Wara, Agus Ngurah Arya Putraka, S.Sn., M.Si, stated that this communal art workshop was attended by active ISI Denpasar students from various study programs, including Fine Arts, Interior Design, and Visual Communication Design. The participants actively engaged in the process of painting murals on a 15 x 10 meter wall.
Putraka explained that this mural art workshop provided an opportunity for active ISI Denpasar students to learn directly from experts in the field of mural art. The workshop is expected to inspire and develop their artistic potential, as well as provide practical experience in creating mural artworks. “It is hoped that the students can broaden their understanding of communal art and the importance of collaboration in creating artworks that enrich the surrounding environment. Thus, this mural workshop serves not only as a learning platform but also as a means to strengthen the art community within ISI Denpasar and promote the growth of mural art in Bali as a whole,” he said.
One of the Charma Wara speakers, I Komang Merta Sedana, S.Sn., affectionately known as Manggen, said that the speakers first designed the mural as a team, tailored to the size of the wall. The image of a girl reading became the main focus of the mural. According to Manggen, the depiction of a girl reading a book in the mural carries rich symbolism. The activity of reading a book not only represents access to knowledge and education but also demonstrates the power of imagination, inspiration, and personal growth. “Moreover, the image can symbolize the empowerment of women and the importance of reflection and tranquility in everyday life. Thus, this image invites viewers to contemplate the various meanings contained within it, arousing curiosity and reflection on the values conveyed by the mural art,” said this Fine Arts program alumni. (ISIDps/Humas-RT)