The Rector’s Remark
Prof. Dr. I Wayan Adnyana, S.Sn., M.Sn.
Om Swastyastu,
Assalammualaikum Warahmatulahi Wabarrakatuh,
Salam Sejahtera,
Salom, Namo Budaya,
Indonesia Maju Greetings, may you always be in good health and happiness,
Welcome to the Website of the Indonesian Institute of the Arts (ISI) Denpasar,
“Guna Widya Sewaka Satyam Siwam Sundaram“
It describes our duty or morally obligations in order to develop science, technology, and art based on truth, greatness, and beauty
Brief History Of the Indonesia Institute of the Arts Denpasar
Indonesian Institute of the Arts Denpasar is a College of Arts organized by Ministry of Education and Culture which is under and directly responsible to the Minister of Educational Culture. ISI Denpasar functionally superised by the Director General of Higher Education Department of Education and Culture. ISI Denpasar was established in 2003 as the integration of the Indonesian Arts College (STSI) Denpasar and Study Program of Art and Design (PSSRD) of Udayana University.
ISI Denpasar has a symbol called Ciwa Nataraja, which is the embodiment of Ciwa as the supreme god of art. As a creator god, each of his four hands holds a sacred library (a symbol of science); musical instruments (symbols of art and culture); genitri (symbol of bonding and the power of science); and whips (symbol of the promoter and controller of science). Lord Ciwa standing on a lotus; supported by a large tortoise (as a symbol of the balance of the world). The lotus depicts the holy rays of God Almighty, and the nimbus that surrounds it represents the power of God Almighty. The basic red heart color symbolizes sincerity and love, and the golden color on the symbol depicts the greatness of art, science, and technology.
The institute official flag is set in a red background color with the institute official logo is placed at the center of the flag in a gold color. It is officially set in 3 (three) to 2 (two) total size. It is often displayed during several appropriate occasions especially on graduation or other academic ceremonies.
The Hymn of ISI Denpasar was composed by I Gusti Bagus Nyoman Pandji including the song and the lyrics. The Hymn has a meaning to form a complete human being with the competence to create, study, foster, and serve the nation’s culture and arts through the Tri Dharma of Higher Education.
The March of ISI Denpasar was composed by I Gusti Bagus Ngurah Arjana. The March of ISI Denpasar has a purpose of encouraging the spirit of the ISI Denpasar academic community to build national culture through the Tri Dharma of Higher Education.